The Five-Second Rule on Thoughts, Part 3 (TMF:2447)

Peace to Live By: The Five-Second Rule on Thoughts, Part 3 (TMF:2447) - Daniel Litton
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       The truth is, all of our thoughts are rooted in some sort of desire we have. Could be the desire for love, wealth, success, relationships, etc. All desires, though, no matter what you consider, lead to one ultimate goal. You know what that goal is? Well, you should by now. And, that is happinesses. All of our desires are to achieve happiness. How do we handle the rogue thoughts that come to us? We have to learn to detach ourselves from them understanding that they’re not ours to begin with. We have to realize that they are just thoughts. They are thoughts that are being presented to us without our choice, much like TV commercials when we are watching TV. We don’t get to choose the commercials. So, we have to learn to ‘observe’ them with no judgement, and then they will pass. We don’t react to every TV ad. We don’t go to the website of the business or dial their number. In the same way, we don’t need to react to the random, rouge thoughts that come to our minds.