A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 3 (TMF:2435)

Peace to Live By: A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 3 (TMF:2435) - Daniel Litton
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       Actually, I don’t think it’s far out to consider that particular brands and such will be there. I think it actually is possible there will be Fords and other car brands in Heaven (because remember, Heaven is eventually on the new earth; let’s not forget that). I do know for sure there will be one particular car manufacturer there, and that will be the Delorean Motor Company. I’ll let you figure that out on your own time. But, the most important thing is that, whether in Heaven, or during the Millennial Kingdom, or on the new earth, we will be physically with God. We spend our earthly time trying to reach God, trying to have substantive time with him. We do that through mediation and prayer. Some of us get pretty far with that. Only, when we are actually, physically with God, it will be like those best of times times a thousand. It will be truly, purely incredible, so much so that the other stuff I have mentioned might not seem so desirable and fantastic after all in comparison.

A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 2 (TMF:2434)

Peace to Live By: A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 2 (TMF:2434) - Daniel Litton
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       I will go ahead and create a general list here. We can note that: we will have new physical bodies, we will be with friends and family members, there will be a giant city which is full of fun, we could possibly have a new outer-space to explore, we will each have a custom-made residence, possessions will be in abundance, and most importantly, we will be with God himself. I think that’s a pretty good overall summary of what we can expect. Definitely some interesting things to consider there, and things which can build up our expectation. Understanding those things, what about the specific things? I mean, will there be cars there? Taking it one step further than that, what about particular brands? Will there be Fords, for instance? Actually, I don’t think it’s far out to consider that particular brands and such will be there. I think it actually is possible there will be Fords and other car brands in Heaven (because remember, Heaven is eventually on the new earth; let’s not forget that).

A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 1 (TMF:2433)

Peace to Live By: A Looking Forward to Heaven List, Part 1 (TMF:2433) - Daniel Litton
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       We all know we are going to Heaven someday. I mean, for us it is an intellectual fact. But, what is it actually going to be like? Can we get a picture of it? I think for many of us, our images of Heaven in our minds seem vague. They seem like we really don’t know for sure what to expect. It’s like all we see are white clouds, and perhaps a throne room. Maybe we see people walking around in white robes. That thought comes to us from the Book of the Revelation, where a lot of Heavenly topics are discussed. But overall, we just usually don’t have a clear picture of what to expect, do we? One way I think that is beneficial for us to get this clear picture is to actually create our own list of what we think Heaven will be like. We can use the Scriptures to guide us. I will go ahead and create a general list here. We can note that: we will have new physical bodies, we will be with friends and family members, there will be a giant city which is full of fun, we could possibly have a new outer-space to explore, we will each have a custom-made residence, possessions will be in abundance.

Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 3 (TMF:2432)

Peace to Live By: Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 3 (TMF:2432) - Daniel Litton
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       In light of all these things, then, it seems Joseph would of had the right to accuse God. I mean, didn’t it seem logical that God was at fault for not helping him? And yet, we see that he never accused God of wrong. I think a lot of us in Joesph’s shoes wouldn’t be able to take it. It seems to me that we would end up accusing God of all the bad that had befallen us. And yet, Joseph was able to keep his internal happiness even when is outward world was falling apart. Even when people thought badly of him when he really didn’t do anything. You see, our happiness, like Joseph so clearly demonstrates for us, is found in our relationship with God. Nowhere else. To base our happiness solely in the world is uncertain. To base our happiness in our own ability is even uncertain. But, in basing our happiness in God, we find that no matter what happens in our lives, we can always be happy with him as our foundation. It means we really cannot lose anything—anything of lasting value. We truly gain our souls this way as we hold the world loosely.

Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 2 (TMF:2431)

Peace to Live By: Not Judging the Creator at All, Part 2 (TMF:2431) - Daniel Litton
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       Remember the story of Joseph? His father had given him a beautiful, colorful robe, so that he stood out perhaps more than all of his brothers. But one day his brothers, in their jealousy, decided they were going to harm him. The stripped his robe off of him and threw him in a hole. Then, when they saw a group of their enemies coming, they ended up selling him as a slave to those enemies. And so that’s what they did. His own family, his brothers, betrayed him, and it looked like he would never see his beloved father again. And they had even stripped him of his freedom. But it didn’t stop there. Later when Joseph was working as a slave in the kingdom of Egypt, his master put him in charge of a lot of good things. In fact, things seemed to turning toward the positive for Joseph. But then what happened? His master’s wife took an interest in him, and when he wouldn’t sleep with her, accused him of attempted rape. Thus, he was locked up in jail and lost his good position. So, Joseph went from a slave with a good reputation to that of a bad one, even though he had done nothing wrong. He was accused of something he never would have done.