Epaphras - The Faithful Minister, Part 2 (TMF:2510)

Peace to Live By: Epaphras - The Faithful Minister, Part 2 (TMF:2510) - Daniel Litton
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       Just as Christ modeled, he worked to help build up that fruit we are talking about a moment ago in each member. Really, it’s that simple for the leader of the church. It’s not complicated. Though, that’s not to say it hasn’t become complicated with the intricacies and big meeting places in the modern church world. But he must have been doing a good job since he was able to report back to Paul and Timothy the love the church has for one another. Let us pause for a moment and consider the subject of church growth, and how the growth relates, or correlates, with the size of the church. The understanding is, and unfortunately the mind does not recall where it learned this, but a study was done in which it was determined that the perfect size for a community is about 150 people. After that, it appears the group becomes too large for everyone to effectively interact with each other. We know a lot of churches make use of small groups, and one reason for that is because of this fact. Especially for a larger church, small groups are almost critical.

Epaphras - The Faithful Minister, Part 1 (TMF:2509)

Peace to Live By: Epaphras - The Faithful Minister, Part 1 (TMF:2509) - Daniel Litton
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       In verse 7, Paul says, “…it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf and has made known to us your love in the Spirit” (Colossians 1:6-8, ESV). Now we come to understand by whom the truth came. Sure, it originally came from Paul to the Gentile world. Recollect, it is with the Gentile world that he is dealing with in this letter. This message somehow made it to the hands on one named Epaphras, who is called “a faithful minister.” So he is the head of the that church in Colossae, presumably, the primary pastor if you will. And we really don’t know much about this man. Nevertheless, he is said to be Paul and Timothy’s “beloved fellow servant.” We note he was viewed with high respect by them. We can also note about his character that he was “a faithful minister of Christ on [their] behalf.”

Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 2 (TMF:2508)

Peace to Live By: Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 2 (TMF:2508) - Daniel Litton
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       The problem is, none of these statements are “in truth.” They might be an attempt to describe the grace of God, but they violate the truth. The truth comes from the Scriptures, though, even there, people have varying perspectives of what the Scriptures are actually saying. The fair way to tell, though, what the truth is behind the truth is to simply remember that the truth is found is simplicity. The truth is found in simplicity. That then tells us that the easy explanation is usually the correct explanation. The more elaborate and the more explaining it takes to describe something, or the further reasoning involved, generally means were are moving away from the truth. For instance, if one were to make the statement “Fornication is bad,” that lines right up with what the Scriptures say. But if one were to say, “Well, you know, the Scriptures were referring to an unreasonable fornication that was present in that culture at the time.” Now, through complexity, we are moving away from the truth. We are moving to a non-truth.

Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 1 (TMF:2507)

Peace to Live By: Understanding God's Grace in Truth, Part 1 (TMF:2507) - Daniel Litton
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       If we take peace, we understand, again, that as Christians we can truly have peace because we are now in personal relationship with the God of the Universe. So, the understanding “of the grace of God” comes “in truth,” as Paul said. There are lots of understandings of the grace of God that we could come up with. We could say that the grace of God saves all. Or, we could say that the grace of God includes all. We could even say that within the grace of God comes no judgment toward anybody. The problem is, none of these statements are “in truth.” They might be an attempt to describe the grace of God, but they violate the truth. The truth comes from the Scriptures, though, even there, people have varying perspectives of what the Scriptures are actually saying. The fair way to tell, though, what the truth is behind the truth is to simply remember that the truth is found is simplicity. The truth is found in simplicity.

Growing & Abounding as Individuals (TMF:2506)

Peace to Live By: Growing & Abounding as Individuals (TMF:2506) - Daniel Litton
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       Notice that the character of the individual person is said to be “bearing fruit and increasing” as well. It isn’t just the message, but it is also the individual who is growing or abounding. For anyone looking at a lot of churches in our general day, it might be presumed that the mature character of the Christian is one who is good at evangelizing others, wherever that person be. That’s a common theme among evangelical circles. It’s almost as if one’s maturity is defined by how well one can share the Gospel with others. Obviously, though, if we are honest with ourselves, the true focus of Christian character development was what Paul listed elsewhere, namely the Fruit of the Spirit. That fruit that the Spirit begets in us. Each of the fruits is fused in the Gospel message. If you go through each fruit, you can see that the Gospel brings each of those out in the Christian. We start with love. God so loved us that we are given the perfect example of what love really is, versus what the world might say it is.