Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 2 (TMF:2439)

Peace to Live By: Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 2 (TMF:2439) - Daniel Litton
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       Still yet, at another church which had an interesting name, this time I observed things moving about in a more traditional sense. That is, I wasn’t expecting things to be quite so typical to the standard evangelical way because of the name of the church. The name had led me to make prior assumptions that the church would be more hip and modern, which wasn’t actually the case. Anyhow, continuing on with this, pastors have different approaches as well as the congregations in general. Going back to the pastor giving the feminist sermon, he had all kinds of bold claims as to why he was right. He claimed this and that. And actually I agreed with a lot of what he said, though, I am not so sure I agreed with his attitude toward what he was saying in that he was so adamant in what he was saying. I mean, I didn’t like how sure he was because really, at the end of the day, these were more debatable issues he was talking about. I felt him being so opinionated displayed a particular attitude of pride.