Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 1 (TMF:2438)

Peace to Live By: Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 1 (TMF:2438) - Daniel Litton
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       I’ve talked about varying Christian denominations and varying beliefs that they have. What I am meaning to say is that because there are so many different denominations, there are a vast variety of ideas as pertains to what is good and bad, acceptable and not acceptable. I have experienced it myself on a first-hand basis. Sometimes during the year I’ll visit different churches just to see what is going on, to see how this particular church goes about things versus other churches. I like to sit and observe. And I’ve even done this online since that is particularly easy as more and more churches have online service. But, you get the real ‘feel’ of a church when you are actually there. Anyhow, where I am going with this is that in seeing the different churches, I have obviously noticed different ways of going about things. I was in one church recently where the pastor stood up and talked about Feminism, and how Jesus was very supportive of women during his earthly ministry. I was quite surprised, as this wasn’t what I had been expecting.