Spending Money We Don’t Have, Part 2 (TMF:2453)

Peace to Live By: Spending Money We Don’t Have, Part 2 (TMF:2453) - Daniel Litton
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       The Bible, particularly in Proverbs, warns us about this time and again. It warns us about managing our money. I mean, if you really want to get technical, isn’t spending money we don’t have a form of stealing? If I really think about it, I would say it definitely could be. Most of us don’t steal, wouldn’t even think of it. So, we need to be careful in thinking about spending money we don’t have. I do want to clarify here and state that I don’t think it’s wrong to borrow for a house, or for a car, or for something like these things. I mean, I think your intention is to pay back what you owe. What I am talking about is reckless spending—spending that we do not need to do, and yet do it anyway because we want this and that. You see, it’s no fun to be in debt. It’s no fun to have that dark cloud hanging over you. You wouldn’t want a rain storm to permanently move over the area and park for three months straight and just rain, and rain, and rain. And yet, it is like that when we are accumulating debt that we shouldn’t be. We are self-sabotaging, and that will take away our happiness.