Reading Your Devotions Out Loud, Part 2 (TMF:2451)

Peace to Live By: Reading Your Devotions Out Loud, Part 2 (TMF:2451) - Daniel Litton
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       But, something special seems to happen when the mouth is used to read aloud whatever it is that we are trying to focus on in our devotions. It makes it so that not only are our eyes being put to work, but now our ears are as well. So, in other words, we are giving whatever it is that we are trying to read full attention. And, as a side note, if it’s the Bible we are reading, remember that a lot of the Bible was written to be spoken aloud anyway. That was the way it was done during those earlier times. And, this little tactic not only helps us with our devotions, but it can help us when we are trying to read anything really. I have used this when just trying to rest and enjoy a good book. Like, let’s say after I get home from work I want to read something but my thoughts are stuck on a thing or two from what happened at work. Well, I just start to read whatever it is out loud and sure enough, my mind zeros in on the material. So, this can be done for our hobby time, or done if we need to read something for church, work, or even school.