When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 3 (TMF:2409)

Peace to Live By: When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 3 (TMF:2409) - Daniel Litton
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       If we look at his prayer there, one in which he thanks God for answering his prayer, for what he is about to do before them all, we see that it is very basic. It is simply a ‘thanks’ and doesn’t take a paragraph to say that. Jesus cuts straight to the point, and that is good enough. That’s all there was to it. No need for great eloquence in words like we might think. No need for the prayer to have lasted at least one minute for it count, or some rule like that we have made up in our minds. No. It was simple and to the point. Finally, the prayer that we all know, the most famous prayer of the New Testament, the Lord’s Prayer, demonstrates this quality over quantity concept I am talking about. That prayer is very basic, and yet, it conveys a good deal of things, all the necessities in fact. Yet, it accomplishes that without being prolonged and taking forever. What a great model for us, and a good model and reminder for us that prayers don’t have to take forever to be approved and acceptable before our Father in Heaven.