God Working Good Out of Evil, Part 3 (TMF:2553)

Peace to Live By: God Working Good Out of Evil, Part 3 (TMF:2553) - Daniel Litton
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       Where the misunderstanding comes, is when we believe that God puts bad people into power because he wants to accomplish good. Though, that’s not to say, he would love to see good come about from it in people turning from their sins. And, it’s not to say that God will not work good where he can, which includes any kind of situation in which he can—but he will not go against people’s freedom to choose. This is serious business we are discussing. What about Romans 9:17 and 18, and Pharaoh, and the fact that God raised him up and hardened his heart? It would seem that God in that instance already hardens a heart that is hardened. So, again, the verse stating “all things were created through him and for him” shows God’s original purpose for the creation—for the “thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.” And technically speaking, and not to get too off track, really it would appear that God never originally wanted governments to begin with—for they are a result of the fallen world.