Christ as Creator, Part 2 (TMF:2544)

Peace to Live By: Christ as Creator, Part 2 (TMF:2544) - Daniel Litton
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       Nevertheless, let’s back up in the verse a little bit, for Paul mentions before the physical earth that of heaven—specifically, things in Heaven. The obvious “things” “in heaven” that come to mind are angels—for the Scriptures describes a variety of them. That’s obvious. There are physical elements to the current heaven, namely the thrones—God the Father’s and the Son’s to his right. The writer of Hebrews also notes some elements in Heaven—a physicality. He gives mention to this in Hebrews 9. And, of course, we are aware of the scenes of Heaven in The Book of the Revelation. Not to mention, the departed souls of past brothers and sisters being in the physical Heaven. But it wasn’t just the physical earth and physical heaven that Paul mentioned in verse 16, but he also talks about “visible and invisible, thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.” Thus, clearly we have two differing areas of which Paul is talking about. First, he is talking about the obvious. That which we see with our eyes.