The Features of Our Inheritance (TMF:2537)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Peace to Live By: The Features of Our Inheritance (TMF:2537) - Daniel Litton
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(Tap to play feature or right-click to download)
  Inheritance. What is the inheritance with the fellow saints, with those now and with those who have already passed? It is intriguing. If we turn back in our Bibles a couple books, to Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, we see that there in chapter 1 he also talks about the inheritance of the saints. In verse 14 he says that it is something that is acquired in the future. In verse 18 he refers to the inheritance as having “riches,” and that it is “glorious” (ESV). It is also stated that it to be understood over a period of time. So, we could assume that with experience, with our journey through the Christian life, with the working out of our salvation, with all this comes understanding, understanding of the inheritance. And in contemplating that thought, it does seem to be experientially true. What is meant is that the personal understanding of what will be in the future after this life seems to be greater in scope versus what it was, say, twenty years ago. What it was right after the conversion experience.